


for the use of health apps

In this checklist, we have summarized some key facts to help you weigh up the risks and benefits associated with using health apps on mobile devices such as tablets, smart phones or wearables and also give tips for the safer usage of such apps.


This checklist is intended to help you in choosing and using health apps. The idea is not to just tick all or a minimum number of boxes since these guidelines do not provide an evaluation of the medical utility or scientific accuracy of the information or recommendations provided by health apps.

Under no circumstances should an app replace personal medical advice because only your doctor or therapist can evaluate which treatment is right for you.

Other languages:

DEUTSCH – Checkliste für die Nutzung von Gesundheits-Apps
FRANÇAIS – Check-list pour l’utilisation d’applis santé
ITALIANO – Lista di controllo per l’utilizzo di app per la salute